субота, 25 квітня 2015 р.

Studying With Fun

Pleasant+Useful. Everything seems better when you can combine it with something you are really crazy about! 
 Education Matters

News Travel Fast

 On The Move

His Story, Her Story


A Sound Mind In A Sound Body

A Greener World

The last, but not the least.
Some tips “How-to-survive”
Vocabulary is one of the core subjects for second-year students. It is April and this course comes to an end, so it`s time to put up our feet, to enjoy the fruits of our hard work and to give our feedback. Well, I won`t talk the fact up if I say that we get enormous benefits out of our vocabulary classes. They turned out to be not just dull learning of words by heart, but something much more interesting. We were ought to complete different creative tasks and acquire diverse skills, which may come in useful in future: we were required to run a story, to create comics, to speak on behalf of some famous person. It`s needless to say that we got acquainted with vast amount of different tools to make the process more interesting, remarkable and absorbing. It`s common knowledge, that people much prefer to go off the beaten track and to show initiative in doing something new, something groundbreaking, isn`t it? J
On the other hand you have to take the course seriously and to meet the requirements. First of all it is continuous assessment. You should grasp the importance of every kind of activity in order to show marked improvement. I honestly think that you can take advantage of every task given to you.
Also I strongly advise you not to put off completing tasks, as it often happens, but to do your bit on time. Even if you are a quick learner, you can run the risk of being on the rocks with a plenty of blog posts to wright and the latter night to do it. So try to keep up with your deadlines in order not to burn the midnight oil.
That`s a rough idea of my experience of vocabulary classes. I wish you to be eager beavers, to show proven ability and to pass your exams with flying colors. I hope that you will enjoy the course of vocabulary and I believe that you will be in advance of every next class to make new findings, to celebrate new achievements and just to have fun!

неділя, 19 квітня 2015 р.


It is actually quite easy to go green. There is nothing groundbreaking. There are just three essential verbs you should keep in mind: reduce, recycle, reuse. And there are 7 steps of being eco-friendly.
1.            Recycling
Recycle everything you can and try to minimize buying disposable products as much as possible. Whether it is glass, or plastic. or metal, all these materials can be re-used. Also, old newspapers, paper wraps, cardboard, sheets of paper you no longer need should all reach the paper container and be sent in order to be recycled. Millions of trees will thank you for that.
2.            Reduce water consumption
Water is life. Clean, fresh water tends to become more and more precious as time goes by and, if we do nothing to conserve it, in the not so far future, water will run dry. It is not a difficult task, just turn the tap off while you brush, reduce the number of baths and take showers instead, use the washing machine only when you can actually fill it with clothes.
3.            Reduce the use of electricity
Once you are done with an electric appliance, turn it off. You will save not only energy but also money from your electricity bill! Switch to energy saving light bulbs instead of regular bulbs.
4.            Plant a tree
If every person planted a tree, life would improve significantly. The air would be cleaner, the number of trees would get back to normal, the weather patterns will change; pollution would be reduced along with our carbon footprint.
5.            Composting
A few composting bins in the garden represent an excellent opportunity to avoid littering, and to enrich soil, to make it more fertile for your vegetable garden.
6.            Use rechargeable batteries
Batteries are extremely dangerous for the environment and, unfortunately, only a fraction of these batteries gets to be recycled. Two or three sets of rechargeable batteries along with a charger would be better still.
7.            Maintain your car
A car that has not been serviced regularly might emit even more toxic chemicals and exhaust fumes in the air just because you did not make time to have it checked. Regular maintenance will also increase the performances of your vehicle, so you only have to gain from this.
Taking care of the environment should be everyone’s responsibility and privilege at the same time; the privilege to conserve the planet for the generations to come!