неділю, 7 вересня 2014 р.

My 1st vocabulary class. Brief summary.

     The main concern is that summer finished and I reached the point when I had to make a real effort and prepare myself for studying. I`ve never been a classic example of those, who are looking forward the new academic year. Even when it means the opportunity to see all those familiar faces you missed. Even when it means a great honor of getting new knowledge. The main reason of such attitude – an utter chaos in the head, full of impressions, thoughts, plans and doing no such thing as concentrating and studying.

     So, at my first vocabulary lesson I faced some problems. It turned out that my speaking was worse than I expected. In the world of Language Masterpieces it was something like a Real Eyesore. There was an extinctive damage: bad pronunciation, a lot of mistakes, even difficulties with making it clear to other what I want to say in general. This lit a fire of aspiration to learn more, to work hard and to try until I am entirely satisfied.

     Of course, it sounds trivially and too pathetic. But to my mind, the attitude plays an important role and has an immense influence on future results. If you are doing something for a high purpose , the fire of your inspiration will never went out.

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