неділю, 14 вересня 2014 р.

One Short Fairytale

Once upon a time there was a fairy country Lexicology. It occupied a large territory with deep rivers, thick forests and beautiful landscapes. It was inhabited by unusual citizens – words, and there were so many of them, that nobody could count such a big amount except several knights called Dictionaries. Their main concern was to defend words, to indicate their number, and in any case be mistaken. But there were some differences between them. One Dictionary could point us where the word originated from, another noticed the explanation of the word,  and another included descriptions of different words and so forth. Usually they handled their tasks excellently, but one day they settled a dispute: who is the most valuable, wise and important among them. One tried to assure others that he is worth recognition because he proposes the comparison of different words, the second counted that to spell words without mistakes is the most important thing in the whole world, the third stamped his feet shouting that nothing else matters when you don`t know the meaning of exact word. There was an utter chaos because every of them wanted to be recognized as the Captain of Knights-Dictionaries. That could last for ages until one of them proposed to go to the Queen and to ask her to do a favour, to make the situation clear. Her Royal Excellency raised her eyebrows and her face became severe.  She told them that they are all important and special in their own way and they have to do no such thing as quarreling any more because the safety of the whole country depends on them. They stood with their heads hung and kept silence. Then they emotionally apologized for been so rude to each other and swore to be devoted followers of the Queen and their citizens, to execute their job faithfully in any circumstances and to respect each other.  

1 коментар:

  1. We wrongly mistook inhabintants of the country Lexilogy for boring paper dictionaries. It has to be a deep recognition that they also have a philological soul. Ignoring it is unforgivable.
